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Kyoto Perfecture

Kyoto perfecture is in Kansai region on Honshu Island. Perfecture capital Kyoto city is 365km from Toyko.

World Heritage Site :
Cities :

Kyoto City

Perfecture capital Kyoto city is 514km and 2 hours 20 minutes from Tokyo by JR line. Kyoto City has 11 wards.

Wards :

Historic Monuments of Ancient Kyoto

Kyoto City
365km from Tokyo
travel Information:
2.5 hours from Tokyo by JR line

Kinkaku-ji Temple

Kinkaku-ji Temple

Shimogamo Shrine

Shimogamo Shrine

To-ji Temple

Nijo-jo Castle Watch Tower, Moat and Wall

Nijo-jo Castle Karamon Main Gate

Nijo-jo Castle Ninomaru-goten Palace

Nijo-jo Castle Ninomaru Palace Garden

Nijo-jo Castle Honmaru Yagura-mon Gate

Nakagyo Ward, Kyoto City

514km from Tokyo
travel Information:
2 hours 20 mins from Tokyo by JR line

City Hall

Traditional Ricecake Shop

Curry Rice

Temple near Nishiki Market

Nishiki Market

The kitchen of Kyoto

Nishiki Market

The kitchen of Kyoto

Nishiki Market

The kitchen of Kyoto

Nishiki Market

The kitchen of Kyoto

Nishiki Market

The kitchen of Kyoto

Nishiki Market

The kitchen of Kyoto

Nishiki Market

The kitchen of Kyoto

Nishiki Market

The kitchen of Kyoto

Nishiki Market

The kitchen of Kyoto

Nishiki Market

The kitchen of Kyoto

Shimogyo Ward, Kyoto City

514km from Tokyo
travel Information:
2 hours 20 mins from Tokyo by JR line

Kyoto Tower

Kyoto Tower

Kyoto Aquarium

Higashiyama Ward, Kyoto City

514 km from Tokyo
travel Information:
2 hours 20 mins from Tokyo by JR line

Yasaka Shrine

Yasaka Shrine

Yasaka Pagoda

Yasakakamimachi Historic Street

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